
Free InDesign Storyboard Template with set plan — film ratio 16:9 — Courier 10pt on A4-landscape

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Free InDesign Storyboard Template with set plan — film ratio 16:9 — Courier 10pt on A4-landscape


Free Adobe InDesign storyboard template layout with a set plan on the left side of the frame. The InDesign Markup IDML format is compatible with all InDesign versions since CS4 up to the current Creative Cloud 2024. This template is useful if you have slightly complex scenes where you want to indicate where the camera is. The film ratio is 16:9 (1.77:1).

The pages are Din A4 horizontal (landscape), ideal for print and screen use. This template lets you write your screenplay alongside your images; add and edit your copy in the Text layer and drop your storyboard frames in the Images layers. The body text is in Courier 10 points, the classic screenplay form font. After you place your storyboard pictures in the Images layer, the Rule of thirds guides in the top locked layer can help you place and reframe your composition.

To edit the footer at once, use the (A-master).

The free PDF version of this template is available here:


You can get the InDesign version of this template for A4 vertical here: https://gum.co/16x9_Ind_vertical.

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An IDML storyboard template for Adobe InDesign
159 KB
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