
InDesign Storyboard Template 2.39:1 (scope) — Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 vertical

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InDesign Storyboard Template 2.39:1 (scope) — Avenir Light 10pt on DIN A4 vertical


This modular storyboard template layout is ideal for 2.39:1 (Scope) aspect ratio film presentations and pitches. You can edit this layout with Adobe InDesign. IDML (InDesign Markup) is compatible with all Adobe InDesign versions from CS4 to the curent Creative Cloud 2024.

This template has over 100 DIN A4 vertical (portrait) numbered pages and gives you many layout variations and framing options. You will find the film treatment in the beginning pages. For storyboards, you can choose whether you want three, five, or ten frames per page, for instance. Pick a white or black background with or without a surrounding frame by changing the master. You can number your shots and write treatment notes alongside your pictures. Sometimes you want your storyboard to live outside the edges of the frame; there is an option to do that for a dynamic effect. 

To get started, only duplicate the spreads or pages you want to use. Remove unused sheets. Then all you have to do is change the Text and Images layers. Fill the opening page with your project details. The body text font is Avenir Light,10 points with 12,448 points leading. To format your text, look for Paragraph Styles under Type. Drop your pictures into the Images layer. Show or hide the Rule of Third guides to help you reframe your compositions. You will find these guides in the top locked layer.

To change or remove pagination, use any specific master that applies to your layout. Add a logo, complete the credits page, and so on. Your presentation is then ready to export for print or screen.

FYI: The document grid corresponds to the 2.39:1 aspect ratio (2.39:1). Pictures should align with the baseline grid. The document grid modules themselves abide by the 2.39:1 aspect ratio as expected. That means you can build any variation on top of the initial template’s grid with ease. Now, that is super cool. Suppose you want frames in four rows instead of five. You can adjust all your document proportions by following the grid. The smallest grid module is 29,751 by 12,448 points; its height matches the document body text’s leading.

Note that you need the Avenir typeface license to use this template.

This template will help you design consistent film treatments and beautiful storyboard layouts and save a lot of time along the way.

If you are looking for a simpler version of this template, check the Apple Page version:


There is also free PDF template variation:


And if you use Procreate, here is a free double page iteration:


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one storyboard template ready to edit in InDesign
100+ pages
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